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The item is sold AS IS, WHERE IS, in the condition it is in at the time of sale.
We do not guarantee the time keeping or the waterproofness of the watches we propose for sale. Green Auctioneers Limited is acting as an agent between the seller and a buyer. We do not restore, service, or test any of the watches we propose for sale in our online sales, private treaty or in the ‘Buy Now’ section.
The online condition report is provided to assist you with assessing the condition of the item and is for guidance purposes only. The images of the item also form part of the online condition report for the item provided by Green Auctioneers Limited. Any reference to condition in the online condition report does not amount to a full description of condition. The online condition report may make reference to particular imperfections of the item, but you should note that the item may have other faults not expressly referred to in the online condition report of the item or shown in the online images of the item. The online condition report may not refer to all faults, restoration, alteration, or adaptation because Green Auctioneers Limited is not a professional conservator or restorer but rather the online condition report is a statement of subjective, qualified opinion genuinely held by Green Auctioneers Limited (for example, information regarding color, clarity and weight of gemstones are statements of opinion only and not statements of fact by Green Auctioneers Limited). Green Auctioneers Limited endeavour to include reference to any replacement parts within our condition reports we cannot confirm that each individual element of the watch is original or that, if replaced the replacement has been made using original manufacturer’s parts.
Please also note that we do not guarantee, and are not responsible for, any certificate, extract from archives from a watch Manufacturer or a gemmological laboratory that may accompany the item. In addition, certain images of the item provided online may not accurately reflect the actual condition of the item (for example, the online images may represent colors and shades which are different to the item’s actual color and shades). For these reasons, the online condition report is not an alternative to taking your own professional advice regarding the condition of the item. NOTWITHSTANDING THIS ONLINE CONDITION REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING AN ITEM, ALL ITEMS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD “AS IS” IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF SALE/BUSINESS APPLICABLE TO THE RESPECTIVE SALE.